Astro Edizioni
A beacon of light for humanity
I am Francesca Costantino, editorial director and owner of the publishing house Astro Edizioni, which I believe is a beacon of light for humanity.
I hope that my publishing house will become a point of reference for authors, fellow editors, professional communicators, journalists, and public figures to communicate constructively, towards a goal. I’d like Astro Edizioni to become a widespread and contagious system of making culture in a healthy way, directing the way of thinking, for the evolution of humanity.
For this reason, we publish books that contain exemplary life stories, children’s books and fantasy/science fiction for teens and adults alike, because I think that fantasy can be a metaphor of life, which can also be a fun experience. We also publish practical manuals, and all those stories that strike me not only stylistically, but also in content and messages.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with people of great heart and professionalism, who today are an integral part of my staff and help me to realize projects in schools and abroad. This is very important to me, for being myself.
Our idea of publishing
We select manuscripts with a “voice”, from which the personality of the author emerges. Of course they should have a good technical quality in terms of narrative construction, but above all they should have something to say that readers can grasp and appreciate, keeping that message with them.
For us, in fact, it is important that all the books we publish leave a “message”, making readers think between the lines while identifying with the main characters and their way of acting in the context of the story.
Even when we publish books dedicated to an adult audience, therefore, we focus on positive and proactive texts, even if the chose genre can sometimes be even raw (such as, for example, some thriller in our catalog). Even more so, children’s books are selected for educational purposes and to entertain younger readers, encouraging their families to read together and build common memories related to reading.
Our love for emerging authors and Italian authors
Among our authors, Italian writers, often emerging ones, stand out. The reason is simple: how great is the excitement for your published book, when you see your name on the cover, or the manuscript on a bookshelf? We share these strong emotions with emerging authors at their first publication. And, with many Italian authors, who have been following us from the beginning, it has been easier to support them in the path from the creation, publication, promotion and sale of their printed volumes.
The goal is common: to get our authors become well-known; and, for this reason, we help the most talented people to emerge through national publishing fairs and events in bookshops, also selling rights abroad for translations, TV series and interactive transpositions of their stories.
In some cases, moreover, those books full of emotions and ideas have been presented in elementary, middle and high schools, libraries and cultural circles. We have also won regional and municipal calls for projects related to the writing of a book together with children, in the Rome suburbs. There is still a lot of work to be done, and our activity of spreading culture has just begun. Astro, you read!
National distribution
Astro Edizioni is distributed on the national book market by CDA (Consorzio Distributori Associati), which also includes distributors such as Distribook, Medialibri, Euroservizi.
We also rely on Mondadori Retail and Fastbook, in addition to the digital channels Amazon and IBS, to ensure the availability of our titles in all of the most important bookshops (e.g. Feltrinelli and Mondadori), online and inside independent bookstores.
Our Team

Translation manager

Editor & talent scout
